Tuesday, March 30, 2010

9 Month Check-Up & Easter Bunny

We went to the doctor yesterday for the girls 9 month check-up. Update below.

Emma Jean
Weight: 19lbs
Height: 27.3 inches
Head: 17.4 inches
Physical Exam: Normal
Development: A+
Shots: Hepatitis B

Ava Marie
Weight: 19lbs
Height: 27.5 inches
Head: 17.2 inches
Physical Exam: Normal
Development: A+
Shots: Hepatitus B

The doctor said Ava has the strongest grip that he's ever seen! She wouldn't let go, you have to pry it out of her hands. LOL!

We are so blessed to have 2 healthy babies. Thank you Jesus!!
Next check up will be at 1yrs old. After the doctors appointment we took the girls to see the Easter bunny and they did great. They laughed sitting on his lap and had a really great time.

1 comment:

Just said...

They are so beautiful. Congratulations on your lovely girls.