Monday, March 30, 2009

Paint & Glaze

Duane got everything painted this past week and he was able to start putting the glaze on the walls tonight. The glaze makes a huge difference with the texture. Our kitchen countertops will be installed on Friday and we can't wait to be able to cook again. We've been living on soup & sandwiches.

Front Room painted & glazed

Mud Room painted & glazed

Kitchen painted & glazed

Painting the trim before its gets hung this time! Its much easier this way!

Duane- "The Painter" & Jack of all trades!! He just loves to paint! LOL!!

It's OFFICAL!!!!!!!

Duane & I have offically decided on names. Baby A is "Emma Jean Wegley" and Baby B is "Ava Marie Wegley".

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Belly Picture at 25+ weeks

My belly is getting so big! LOL!! As long as the baby's are getting bigger than I'm ok with it. It's getting hard to tie my shoes. LOL!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

25 weeks!!

Our doctors appointment went great today. They did a sonogram and both girls look great. They weigh 1 lb 10oz each and are in 44.95 percentile. We will go back to the doctor every two weeks now and they will do a sonogram at every other appointment. The next sonogram they will be able to do 3D which really shows what the baby's look like before they are born. We are just happy that we have two healthy baby girls!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

New Cabinets

Duane started installing the new cabinets today and they look wonderful. We will still need to order the island and nook cabinets but that will have to wait till we have the $$$$. We started putting everything back in the cabinets so we can function a little bit. Enjoy the pics!!

The new tile we are going to install

Putting everything back in the cabinets

The best cabinet installer in the world!!

The kitchen Cabinets so far!

I love our new cabinets!

Friday, March 20, 2009


Duane rented a small jack hammer yesterday to remove all the thinset from the floors (the stuff left over after removing the tile). It was alot of hard work but he got it done. He was pretty tired last night!!! Now, he can start installing the cabinets this weekend and finish painting the walls. We will be able to have the counter tops measured in the next couple of days which will take 7+ days before they will be able to install. So much more to do but its getting there.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

More Blessing Today!

When I got home from work today there were two boxes on our front porch. We were blessed with two car seats for the baby girlS. Duane & I are once again just so thankful to have such wonderful friends in our lives. What a BLESSING!!


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Can Lights

Duane & Herb installed the can lights today. They are going to add a beautiful touch to the kitchen.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Jeremy & Clifford came over and textured all the walls today. We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends!!! The texture is in the process of drying. Duane finished taking up all the tile except for in the laundy room. Here's some more pictures.

Friday, March 13, 2009

More progress!!

Here's some more picture of the kitchen. A friend of ours "Jeremy" will be coming over this weekend to texture. Duane is having a really hard time getting up all the tile and he's needs to remove all of it before installing the cabinets. Wish I could help him!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

More Kitchen Construction

Duane removed the rest of the cabinets today and the wall. WOW!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Here we go!!!

Duane started taking down our old cabinets today! He also, tore out some of the wall and he has alot more to do. Here's a picture to just give you an idea. We want to have an open flow kitchen. It's a huge project but its getting there.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

23 Weeks Prego!!

Here's a new belly picture at 23 weeks. LOL!!! It's amazing that I have 2 baby girls in my belly. They have started kicking a little bit the past two weeks and I just love feeling them move around. I can't wait for Duane to be able to feel them moving. My back is feeling a little bit better but please still keep me in your prayers. It's just something that I have to deal with from day to day but it will be worth it in the end. God Bless!!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Kitchen Remodel

Duane started taking everything off the walls tonight so we can get ready for all the construction. We are in the process of remodeling the kitchen with new cabinets, granite counter tops, tile, new texture and paint on the walls. The laundry room and mud room will be textured, painted and retiled also. We are kind of in a hurry since this must be done before the baby girls get here. Duane will remove all of our existing cabinets on Wednesday, have an electrican come hopefully and do some rewiring for us and then we'll be ready for Jeremy to come over and do the texture. The paint and texture will be the same as the living room.

Dining Room - To be retextured, painted, carpet removed and new tile

Cabinets being removed currently in Kitchen

Friday, March 6, 2009

Blessed Once Again!!

We now have the twins pack-n-play. Duane had a really sweet customer that gave him some extra cash today for the twins. So, it covered to cost of this. What a blessing!!

Baby Beds

Rick is in the process of building the baby beds for the girls. They are one of a kind!!!! I can't wait to see them finished!! Thank you so much Rick & Colleen for doing this for us and the babies.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

22 weeks 3 days

Here's another belly picture! I'm growing and growing! I can finally start to feel them kick and its pretty exciting.

Babies Room - Closet

Here's a couple of pictures of the closet in the babies room. Duane built the shelves and painted it this past week. Still have more to do!

Back Pain Please Go Away!!!

The last time I posted we had started painting the nursery. After that weekend I started to have some major back pain that's had me down for over a week now. At first I thought I had just tried to do to much and it would get better in a couple of days. I had a prenatal massage, been to the chiropractor 4 times and still no relief. Yesterday, I realized that every time I eat I get this shooting pain in my back. I think maybe my stomach gets full, pushes the babies around and they end up on a nerve which causes the pain. I'm still not sure yet but just trying to fiqure this out.

Duane is still working on the nursery. We have more painting to do! We are also trying to get the kitchen finished before the babies get here. Our new cabinets should be here in a couple of weeks and then Duane can get them installed. So many things to get done in so little time. It wouldn't be normal if we didn't have so many things going on at the same time. LOL!!!

I'll try and post some pictures soon!